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Published Research

My research reflects my passion and curiosity in media psychology, digital consumer behavior, and sports management. My publications, appearing in respected journals such as The Journal of Sports Management and Online Media and Global Communication, not only contribute to academic discourse but also offer practical insights for professionals in digital marketing, brand management, and sports communication.

Beauty Vlogger

Authenticity is a trait that is considered by both Gen Z and Millennials as an integral part of the social media influencer persuasive episode. This research uses thematic analysis to deconstruct how both Gen Z and Millennials develop their perceptions of social media influencer authenticity.


Singer, M. F., Callendar, C., Ma, X. & Tham, S. (2023). Differences in perceived influencer authenticity: A comparison of Gen Z and Millennials’ definitions of influencer authenticity during the de-influencer movement. Online Media and Global Communication, 2(3), 351-378.

Fan socializing and BIRGing: The impact of trait competitiveness on fan behaviors

This research investigates the intricate dynamics between trait competitiveness and sport fan behavior, examining its relationships with situational and surface traits associated with sport consumption. By advancing our understanding of competitiveness as a key influencer in sport participation and entertainment seeking, the study contributes to our understanding of what drives sport fans. Utilizing Mowen’s 3M model and the Big Five personality traits, we explore the influence of traits on competitiveness, predicting its impact on participation and entertainment seeking and fan socializing and basking in reflected glory. The findings unveil the role of competitiveness in shaping behaviors, indicating that competitive individuals actively seek and enjoy competitive and entertaining situations. The research illuminates the paths by which personality traits affect sport consumption behaviors, providing theoretical insights into the complex dynamics of competitiveness in the realm of sport.



Donavan, D. T., Singer, M. F., & Carlson, B. D. (2024). Fan socializing and BIRGing: The impact of trait competitiveness on fan behaviors. Journal of Sport Management, 1(aop), 1-12.

Football Fans

© 2025 by Mara Singer

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